Your Information

Note: Your privacy is very important to us. To better serve you, the form information you enter is recorded in real time.

Please tell us about yourself.


Company Information

Great! Now, please tell us about your company.

Legal Company Name
If your company operates under a trade name that is different from your legal name, please enter it here.
Company Address
Please indicate if any of your products are:

Distribution Model

Let's discuss how you distribute your products.

Are you a direct supplier or do you use distributors?*
Please indicate which of the following distributors you use.


Let's talk about brokers.

Do you use brokers?*
Many brokers are already members of IX-ONE, please indicate which of the following brokers represent your brand(s).


How did you hear about us?

Many IX-ONE retailers and distributors require their suppliers to participate in IX-ONE.

Please indicate which of the following IX-ONE members purchase your products. (Check ALL that apply.)*
Please check any/all that apply.
If you have a retailer-imposed implementation deadline, please let us know:
We can't always promise to meet specific deadlines (particularly without sufficient lead time) however we make every effort to satisfy deadline requests.

Whole Foods Market-Specific Supplier Information

Whole Foods Market suppliers, please complete the following section to help us expedite your membership.

Are you in four or more Whole Foods Regions?*